I received my KX2 (serial number 306) within two weeks of having purchased it at the Elecraft booth at the 2016 Sea-Pac ham radio conference. Mine came with the internal antenna tuner, the internal battery, and the battery charger. You do have to charge the internal battery outside of the radio, but this allows you to connect two batteries to the KX2 and it will automatically draw power from the battery with the highest voltage, and when the voltage drops below the other battery it will switch to the battery with the most charge.
I was able to set up my complete station along with the KX2 at the Yelm Amateur Radio Group’s Field Day 2016 for a short time. Unfortunately the noise conditions were too high at that time and I could not successfully copy any other stations working on 20 meter PSK31.
In 2018 I picked up a spare battery pack, and in 2019 I finally purchased the hand microphone. I’m considering picking up the Side KX end panels from GemsProducts as well.
I never did pick up the SideKar, despite having put a down payment on it.
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